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Traditionally to take a ball of wetted tissue paper that resembles a ball of mozzarella and throw it in somebody's face while they are sleeping (preferably with a hangover or drunk). With the addition of recent technology, documentation of mozzarella-ing has increased tenfold. Popular documentation methods include photography, but better yet, video. You can go 'oldskool' by using tissue paper or the increasingly popular 'nuskool' method of using a genuine piece of mozzarella. See 'mozzarella prank' Youtube

1. Let's go mozzarella his arse!

2. He got mozzarella-ed so bad, we even got it on video! Oh shit let's see. Youtube!

3. Nuskool Mozzarella to the face!

4. There's gonna be plenty of mozzarella-ing tonight!

by The True Chinman April 5, 2010

46πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A slur used against people of Italian descent. β€œThe use of the word Mozzarella as an ethnic slur... is a regionalism," said Mr Tamburri, who is a third-generation Italian American. "It's definitely something more local than it is national."

Kevin: Mozzarella!
Vinny: That is offensive, please don’t use that word again.

by Bbbbbbbitaliano May 27, 2020

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Mozzarella is a type of cheese made from Italian buffalo's milk by the pasta filata method. Mozzarella is also used in popular dishes throughout many countries, though originally Italian.

If global warming meant temperatures rose by one or two degrees, France would become a desert, which would be no bad thing. The Scots would grow wine and make buffalo mozzarella.
- Michael O'Leary

by negativecr33p December 10, 2017

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


put down meaning wack or cheese as hell

man this shit is Mozzarella as hell sounds like some retards did this shit

by Illicit Dynasty July 11, 2008

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Verb; The act of sexually pleasuring one's self

I don't have a girlfriend, so I have to mozzarella.

by SquiggleTitz July 25, 2010

6πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Showing alot of cleavage.

"She's putting the mozzarella right in your face"

by random duuuuude March 12, 2015

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


It is used in conversations and seeks to point out to the other listener something really pleasant, attractive or noteworthy.

The word was first introduced in puerto rico in the year 2008 and has become a regular expresion all troughout the island. It has recently become a popular expresion in sex related situations were the taker asks for the "mozzarela".

"oh papi gimme some more mozzarella"

"hey man that new porshe is the mozarella"

anita: "wow julio those new shoes are great"

julio: "yeah! i just saw them and tought: mozzarella!"

by parnazo April 20, 2009

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