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msn commandments

1. Thy should be obliged to have an msn name in the subsequent order:
a. Thyself’s name
b. lyrics / quote
c. Thy’s friends
- All other msn names belonging to that of a female, are considered to be 'alternative' people.

2. Thy must try to refrain from saying ‘lol’ at every opportunity possible – even though 99.9% of the time, thy is not actually ‘laughing out loud’

3. Thy must refrain from using emoticon letters of which are intricate to comprehend and take an extended time to load.

4. Thy shall not write in grammatically incorrect terms.

5. If thy logs online subsequent to thy’s crush, it is exceptionally perceptible for peers, that thy merely desires to speak to that special individual.

6. Thy shall not talk in vocabulary that is not easily understood by those who aren’t thyself.. e.g. “sup yo,, maddogg..”
Not only is this grammatically incorrect, however in addition this may possibly be confusing for thy in receipt of the message via i.m.

a. Thy should not misuse the word “sup”. It means “what is up?”, not “hello, what are you doing?”

7. Thy should abbreviate terminology regularly, although thy must only apply in moderation.

8. Thy should resist from using fonts such as French Script and Curlz, these fonts are difficult for the recipient to understand.

9. Thy should never type in ALL CAPITALS, this creates an illusion of anger from the sender to the recipient.

10. Thy should try to resist from tYpiNg liKe tHiS all the time.

Not obeying msn commandments:
(*)i am so alternative(*) says:
LOL,, suPp??

(r) i am also so alternative (r) says:

(*) i am so alternative (*) says:
loL o0o0o yoO loGged oN afTer bOb, sumOne'S in lUrVe!!! (L)Lol lOl loL

(r) i am also so alternative (r) says:

(*) i am so alternative (*) says:
Ur cUt @ mE?? y R u tYpIng In cApiTalS fOr?

obeying msn commandments:

(f)cleatis (L) (8)she will be loved (L) (yn)bob, joe, bruce (Y)(*) says:

(*)bob (f) (8)what a feeling (*) (yn)cleatis, joe, bruce (Y) (L) says:
hey, how r u?

(f)cleatis (L) (8)she will be loved (L) (yn)bob, joe, bruce (Y)(*) says:
i am well thanku

(*)bob (f) (8)what a feeling (*) (yn)cleatis, joe, bruce (Y) (L) says:
i love you, have my babies.

by eriiem November 23, 2006

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