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a system of political organization and governmental rule in which the possession and maintenance of superior mullets takes precedent over other parameters; ascendancy of particular political leaders is determined solely based on mullet; it should be noted that while the quality of a mullet is what determines an individual's standing in political rank and hierarchy, the question of mullet "quality" is a dubious one and constitutes a matter of great subjectivity and lively debate.

oh what a fool I was to believe in the myth of mulletocracy.

you think hard work and diligence is all it takes? you're wrong: we live in a mulletocracy.

the mallet or the mullet? an age old question about the right path to political progress.

We here at the Arkansas Department of State advocate a policy of regime change in the State of New York and strongly promote its residents to adopt our time-honored mulletocratic values and institutions.

by uncle fuckbucket May 14, 2024