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my hoop

To refer to one's anus.

I met a guy last night. He absolutely destroyed my hoop.

by kill3rm00bs January 15, 2018

hold my hoops

a phrase used when someone is ready to angry or pissed off, telling someone to hold your hoop earrings so they don't get caught in anything while you fight.

did she seriously just say that? ooh girl, hold my hoops.

by falling weird kid June 19, 2018

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sniff my hoop

When someone is not even worthy of kissing your ass they may be invited to sniff your hoop as that is the closest they are going to get.
Can also be a hand gesture while driving for example: making a "hoop" with thumb and forefinger tips together brought up tip the nasal cavity and a healthy deep breath.

"Ach, sniff my hoop ya useless wee bawbag"

by Spytfyre November 18, 2018

Lost control of my hoop

Making a regrettable decision in regards to your lady parts.

I can't believe I lost control of my hoop last night and slept with Vladmir Putin again.

by flying ferne December 14, 2010

shat my hoop

When you shit so hard that it is almost as if your anus expands to the size of your earring hoop.

Oh my god, i just absolutely shat my hoop

by Iona A Hall January 18, 2019