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my treat

To offer to pay not only for your own share, but for one or more others in your party.

Jane: Ice Cream would be great about now.
Joe: Yeah it would, but I'm saving my dough for a new i-Pod.
Jane: C'mon, let's go to Cold Stone, don't worry about paying, it's my treat.
Joe: Thanks!

by scifivxn January 18, 2006

320👍 147👎

why does my family treat me like a red headed step child

Because I'm white, autistic, ADHD, kind, good, loving, ALWAYS right, and their golden girl wants me so bad she calls me God 🤦🏻 ♂️🧘🏻 ♂️

Why does my family treat me like a red headed step child, I talk good!

by Jumpingchaos March 8, 2024