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Short-sightedness (Myopic - suffering from Myopia)

A:Can you please give me a hand moving house this weekend?
B: Sorry, I can't, I suffer from Myopia.
A: Sorry to hear that. What is it?
B: I'm short-sighted. I can't see myself helping you.

by jaffabuster November 9, 2009

37👍 10👎


Short sighted (or maybe he just doesn't wanna see) friend of manji, ethiaa et al in teammerlin. Smokes too much weed.

Myo is coming round? Great! Bet he doesn't tho.

by ethiaa October 14, 2003

5👍 21👎

Rectal Myopia

The most widely used excuse given for absence from school/work. One's inability to see one's ass coming in today.

Mr. Taylor, It's Chip. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it into the office today. I have rectal myopia.

by Chipwich74 December 7, 2012

7👍 1👎

expatriate myopia

a form of blindness resulting from having travelled to a remote part of the planet, under very difficult conditions, only to realise that there's a tour group there. Expatriate myopia causes you to not see the tour bus, the group or any individual that may remotely come from where you're from. It's often accompanied by deafness. Usually contracted by backpackers...

Diane developed expatriate myopia in Bakit Lawang, having arrive there after a 23 hour bus trip, only to find that every room was taken by Australian Year 12 students on schoolies.

by Normally Light Fingered February 3, 2010

2👍 1👎


an eye defect in which the person suffering can see near objects clearly but cannot focus on distant objects

The doctor prescribed him concave lenses for his myopia.

by nyx_the.cutie_89 April 18, 2024


Damage in eyes that, depending to the damage degree, difficults far or near visibility.

Do you have myopia?
Yes, and in degree 2.

by rbet May 6, 2023

triscuit myopia

The inability to attain visual clarity on packages of snack crackers. A derivation of the term triscadectaphobia.

Ryan spent the night on the couch after his triscuit myopia caused him to bring home the wrong snack crackers.

by Barrett Pooner May 31, 2008