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Neliths are mostly chinese inherited from their moms.They are ugly buddhists who are gay.They have crush on Muslim boys.They are retarded and love to be friends with Snowflakes.

Neliths love bats and hong kong food.ALways love a nelith.

"Nelith Salanghe Oppi London Smith bradman kang kong witha rajaba Hassim Is from Hong kong"
"Nelith Rajapaksha Mubdi Wijaykumarasinghe Asker Smith Abdullah Mahan Likes my brother"

by AFatSnowflake May 28, 2022

9👍 2👎


Won The Beef Jerky War

Nelith Destroyed the Founding Titan

by JAPE PERURU February 10, 2022


Dirty Curry Man

Nelith Smells Like My Curry Pot

by JAPE PERURU June 16, 2022

2👍 1👎