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It isnt as intolerable as a Neurotypical, for an unusual easily misunderstood person but they still have a a significant 'normal factor' but to a slightly lesser extent and are still somewhat prim and proper and able to get somewhat easily weirded out by non - NA/NT ppl. NA which is a half sister of Neurotypical are terms coined by the autistic and Aspergers community to describe thise defined as 'normal' by society in general and of course other types of Developemental disabilities should be included as well in differentiation from NT's and NA's. NA's may occasionally exhibit very borderline but few traits of very mild Aspergers, but who hasn't? We've all had our awkwards moment, not that aspies and Autees are per say awkward.

Man that girl is so easily tripped out by most types of peculiarity, but at least she'll still talk to me, perhaps she is what I could call neuro-average, which is almost lie am NT but with smoother edges.

by Jay Leo May 28, 2014