An accent of English spoken in the East of New England.
The border is traditionally the Connecticut River, which separates the accents of Eastern and Western New England.
Eastern New England accents are non-rhotic while in Western New England the 'R's are pronounced everywhere.
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The accent of Eastern Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Parts of Eastern Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine. It's part of the New England culture. You'll see it on some TV Shows like Family Guy. The accent is declining amongst younger speakers, but older speakers will have a thick New England accent.
Examples of the New England Accent:
Jordan's Furniture - Jahdins Fahnityah
New Hampshire - New Hampshuh
New York - New Yahk
Red Sox - Red Sawx
Water Fountain - Bubbler
Speed Bump - Speed Hump
Very Cold - Wicked Cold
Turn Signal - Blinker
Roundabout - Rotary
February - Febuary
March - Mahch
Summer - Summuh
Your - Yuh
Here - Hy
Asshole - Ess'ole
Worcester - Wuhstuh
Cape Cod - The Cape
Martha's Vineyard - The Vinyuhd
Police - Coppuh