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"someone write me one" ok. This person is super swag.

nixkicks_ is the best person i ever met

by Mattisasillyguy September 15, 2021


"someone write me one"

is very swag -★ nixkicks_ is coool

by Mattisasillyguy September 15, 2021


nixkicks_ is Asian American, an INTJ, and an Aries.
He is a user on Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter. His pronouns are he/mews + any/all neopronouns, and mews is primarily known for roleplaying multiple Camp Camp roleplay accounts on Instagram. Xe, as of September 15, 2021, has 1,296 followers on his roleplay account, @davidcampcambell; known for mews accurate edits to Camp Camp. His Gwen account ((@chibi_kawaiicat91)) only has 949 followers, but it will he no surprise if it's account will soon reach 1,000; much like David's account.

His main account, @nixkicks_, is full of aesthetically pleasing digital artwork. Usually fanart or original characters; which features a lot of OCs from his oc universe, Paradoxical Bliss.

nixkicks_ is the best artist in the world! So cool, so wow.

by nixkicks_ September 15, 2021