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Comments or messages that contain deliberately distracting and idiotic images or comments, especially during substantive conversations. It's like a shitpost, except noiseposts don't even attempt to engage with the ongoing group conversation. Often perpetuated by discord users and any chat client that incorporates tenor.

Two guys: *Having a conversation about games or politics*
Guy C: *Posts a random gif of a guy eating a bowl of cereal*
Guy A: Stop noiseposting, asshat.

by Gyorufang April 15, 2021

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a noiseposter or other person posting random frames or images of the noise, a character from the indie game pizza tower.

noiseposter: *posts a random image of the noise*
person: bro thats noiseposting}

by fazmade112 April 14, 2020

2👍 2👎


a person that commits noiseposting.

noiseposter: *noiseposts*
person: ur a noiseposter

by fazmade112 April 14, 2020