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In a Nut-Shell:
Nolann is a Boys Name!
A Warrior;)

Some one who is good at physics among other things and can help you with it;)

A NO-life because of PS3;) jk
A super funny awsome person who anyone would be lucky to have;P
A God Among Men;)

If that helps you sleep at night:)

I had to put this example cant be blank:P Nolann

by K.O.<3 January 17, 2010

20👍 2👎


Person with a massive cock.

Person 1: Yo is that Nolann?
Person 2: Yeah, thats the dude with the massive cock.

by Moushkato November 30, 2021

5👍 1👎

Nolann with two n

Nolann os gorgeous, amazing, the most beautifulall have a Nolann

Nolann with two n it's a pretty name

by Candle6389 November 25, 2021


Nolann is magnificent, incredible he is the most beautiful in the world with a magnificent body all have a Nolann in your life

we love you nolann <3

by Candle6389 November 25, 2021


SEXIEST GUY ALIVE ON EARTH , beautiful hair and mesmerizing eyes. He has a laugh that lights up the room :)

Nolann is soooooo hot.

I KNOW right ?

by KralkayOB3 November 22, 2021

nolann wrld

one of the if not THE swaggiest youtube channel in the universe

nolann wrld be so lit bruh

by kyle69kyle420 March 1, 2022