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bitch ass place with nothing to do. periodt

wanna go to campo tn?”
“we’ve gone the past week....”
“well there’s nothing to fucking do it’s nolensville.”

by mebitchperiodt June 6, 2019


gayest town, all the parents snitch, its unbelievable. dont do anything youll be put on the 411, parents have a hawk eye, kids can never throw parties in this town.

i hate nolensville, all the parents snitch

by student at nolo February 7, 2019

2👍 1👎


Nolensville is a very small place where everyone is your neighbor, and everyone knows everyone.

“Hey I saw u at the store the other day, walking around downtown nolensville

by Someone from Nolensville September 2, 2018

1👍 1👎

Nolensville High School

Nolensville High School is home of the Knights, sluts, and hypocrites. Typically, the sophomore and junior class are the center of drugs, nudes, and sex scandals. Recently, Nolensville High School’s Sophomore class has had hypocrites that may or may not get snitched on for their consequential actions. Nolensville High School has either really douchey people or some very nice and lit people.

Nolensville High School, Home of the Knights. Nolensville’s hoes have became hypocrites.

by Ottomous Prime October 8, 2017

16👍 1👎