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oregon boy shot

so you take a shot of whiskey, a lime wedge, and put some salt on your hand.

Next you snort the salt, squirt the lime in your eye, and then take the shot.

On my 21st birthday, I watched 2 guys do an Oregon boy shot!

by Lav2234 April 13, 2009

5👍 9👎


hipster boys, referring to skinny white boys with shaggy hair that are #edgy, paint their nails black, smoke pot, are excruciatingly sarcastic, and probably #sk8. but obviously they’re totally NOT pretentious.

her: yeah, he has old converse and smells like body odor but he’s sooo hot..
him: he sounds like an oregon-boy.

by Keekat2004 December 9, 2018