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Fear of sexual perversion.

Jackie had such bad paraphobia, that she refused to be left alone with the opposite sex.

by BrookeTaylor January 18, 2007

14👍 6👎


A fear of paraplegic people or one day becoming paraplegic.

" I have paraphobia"
"What's that?"
" It means I fear the paraplegic or myself one day becoming paralyzed from the waist down"
".... That's stupid"

by ZenoRaptor October 6, 2017

1👍 11👎


the fear that someone/something is near you, but out of your sight. (similar to the fear of being watched)

symptoms- uneasiness (fear) when people are standing/walking behind you

couldnt find a word for this but found alot of people who relate to it so i decided to make one lol ..

stop standing behing me dumbass i have paraphobia 🖕🏽

by malvado October 18, 2021