Criticism against the government is strictly forbidden.
Calls Azortozha a militaristic dictatorship whilst not grasping the concept of all the freedoms granted in a social democracy, assuming all democracies are hell spawns.
Perijstocia itself bombed the shit out of Azortozha for 20 years straight, could only gain 200 square miles of territory because Azortozha's geography is better for defense than Perijstocia's.
People in villages eat maggots out of pure shit. In the winter, most of the villagers die from starvation.
Plagued by a 210-year-long deficit and economic depression.
The capital city is 1/2 flooded, and the government encourages the mega corporations to put advertisements on abandoned, flooded buildings rather than helping the populace relocate.
Commits ethnic cleansing to push their fucked-up narrative and rhetoric.
Most hypocritical president resides here.
Perijstocian president's claim against these ethnic cleansing allegations is to pretend that these provinces are their own "independent country"
The place where the homeless/poor have to harass the people.
The place where people shit in front of children.
The place where suicide bombings and shootings occur the most in protest of Perijstocia's constant invasions.
bitch: "perijstocian politics are a fucking joke"