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Perpetrator Mentality

A person with a Perpetrator Mentality has the mindset that it isn't "an issue" if they cause harm to other people. They believe "the issue" is the natural reaction to the harm they cause, such as that of the victim, or anyone who calls them out.

Many perpetrators refuse to be accountable for their actions, so they create distractions. Perpetrators have made "victim" a dirty word. A victim is simply a person who was harmed, and they don't "choose" whether or not they are harmed. The perp does that.

Those with a Perpetrator Mentality encourage shame and blame towards their victims, and toward anyone who reports them to authorities (The Rat). These perps won't admit that they have poor communication skills. They believe they can gain power by controling other people, when true power lies in the ability to control their own self.

"Gary says it isn't his fault or his problem that I'm depressed and lost my confidence, when he starved me of physical and emotional affection, while secretly bedding 3 of my friends. Gary has Perpetrator Mentality."

A) "My roommate blames me because someone at his party stole my tip money. He said only an idiot hides cash in their bedroom closet."

B) " Your roommate has perpetrator mentality. His friends should not have been allowed in your bedroom, especially with you at work."

by PurpleTantrum October 27, 2023