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An extremely large number. Coined by Jonathan Bowers, Picillion is based off of the metric prefix "Pico-", meaning one trillionth (i.e. picometer; one trillionth of a meter). Where pico- is analogous to the metric prefixes "Deci-" (Tenth), "Centi-" (Hundredth), and "Milli-" (Thousandth), as used in the terms "Decillion" (Tenth '-illion'), "Centillion" (Hundredth '-illion'), and Millillion/Millinillion (Thousandth 'illion').
Picillion is equal to 10^3⋅10^12+3, or 10^3,000,000,000,000+3. That is one, followed by three trillion and three zeroes.

"If micrillion is the millionth number ending in '-illion', and nanillion is the billionth number ending in '-illion', then what do we call the trillionth number ending in '-illion'?"
"A picillion."

by CreationIsNotTheGreatest September 11, 2022


PI but the "." Is removed. That's how big the number is

There are no way there could be a PIcillion amount of possible objects in the universe

by LePost James April 10, 2021