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We have all heard the term piecemeal but when it applies to a person's job, it can be incredibly demeaning and frustrating. When a full-time employee shows up for work five days a week, but has no regular job it can be detrimental to their mental health and wellbeing. Sitting at a desk waiting for a manager to assign an individual task each an every day all day long can be stressful. Regular work should be assigned to an employee so that when they begin their day they have regular tasks to do that are theirs and theirs alone. A new employee's work can be checked by a manager once the job is completed to ensure quality is maintained. However, if an employee comes into work and has no assignment it can be difficult to retain good help over time. For optimal work relations as well as performance, each employee entering a job site should know what is expected on them on a daily basis and the workflow will then be processed whether or not a manager is present.

Being given piecemeal work instead of a daily job is managements way of hindering an employee's initiative.

by Every Worker January 19, 2016

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piecemeal apocalypse

A slightly crappy thing that happens to you that makes your day just a bit worse, but signifies a downward spiral to the end of the world.

Person 1: I've had a crappy day. I stubbed my toe, I dropped my ice cream cone and my cat puked on my bed!
Person 2: Piecemeal Apocalypse!

by NikkiDale December 30, 2017

Piecemeal Nudity

Nudity viewed one portion at a time, usually through photographs that deny the viewer a complete picture of the naked person they are looking at.

I keep asking Christina for naked pictures of herself, but all she sends me is these piecemeal nudity photos. I want to see the whole body!

by USMC Cpl August 30, 2009

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