Source Code

Plunger Rape

The act of violating an orifice with a plunger. Now, we've got two objects involved here, the plunger, and the orifice.

The plunger can be any plunger that is handy. If you are perpitrating a plunger rape, you may not have time to visit the hardware store and pick out something fancy to set the mood. But if you have time, go and check out the plunger aisle. You'll be surprised at the variety of plungers available, colors, styles, sizes (size according to your intended victim).

Now, the orifice: The plunger destination has a lot to do with your mood at the time. If you're in an angry, vile mood, you're going to want to stuff this baddy one of the more uncomfortable holes. Generally, stuff shoved into the hiney is not well received, or so I've read on the internet. If it's a loving, tender plunger rape, like to celebrate an anniversary, you might want to try a location a little more lubricated. I can't hold your hand here people, let your imagination run free.

Things can get nastier from there... there is the NYPD Plunger Rape Special (or NYPDPRS, for short) where the handle of the plunger is broken, and, well, you can imagine the following steps. You may want to break out a drop cloth if you're planning on trying a NYPDPRS at home, or attempt in an abandoned building or the like.

If Jim ever calls me to set up a Browser Based Reporting install again, I am going to deliver a biblical plunger rape on him that his ass won't soon forget.

by Fuersty October 23, 2007

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