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porn mag

a mens magazine usually filled with pornographic images ranging from scantily-clad young ladies (1950's era), to today's naked titty pics, beaver pics, lesbian, oral, anal, group, fetish, bdsm, and worse

this is the Print Era equivalent of porn web sites

sometimes called "porno"

Yuck. I was looking for my fishing gear in our garage when I found my dad's hidden stash.

Your dad smokes dope?

No man, worse. It was his porn mags. Gross.

by dsimms January 11, 2009

37👍 3👎

Porn mag

Sex porn nude licking cum off a phat pussy

I love sex and licking cum like in a porn mag

by Pigs are god December 7, 2021

porn mag buddy

Usually a friend who has porno magazines and is willing to share them with you, and had been lending them to you for the purpose of pleasing yourself.

-And who might you be?
-Hi, I'm Dave's porn mag buddy, Cal.

-Crap, I can't get my hands on some quality porno mags.
-Don't you have a porn mag buddy?

by nyeste88 November 5, 2010

17👍 2👎