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a cybersex partner; someone you cyber with just like you were lovers in real

usually regularity, commitment, and caring are part of the cyberlover pattern, just like any real relationship

Usually you never meet your cyberlover, but there are many cases I know about where two cyberlovers arrange to meet in real. Usually one of them flies out to the city where the other lives; sometimes they arrange to meet in a completely different city. In every case, they practically fuck in the cab on the way to the hotel.

by dsimms January 14, 2008

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pronounced rude-i-tude-i-nal

to cop a rude attitude, usually toward someone you consider your social or coolness inferior

"That new GenXY dude in IT went all ruditudinal on me, acting all myfacy and chit, like I never heard of the web... so I went all homeboy wiggerspeak on his sorry pale ass, then ended it with some choice high-tech quotes from my homey Snoop."

"Man, you gotta lay off the expresso. Them young folks round here gonna think you're some crazy old dino dude."

"Fer shizzle, bro. Teach them young mofos not to fuck duck with the buck or rude tude with the dude."

by dsimms April 25, 2008


any pornography (books, movies, manga, etc.) involving robots

such pornography may include other standard porn fare: human males and females, animals, toys, bdsm equipment, aliens, tentacles, orifices, costumes, role-playing, and sometimes even plot - but the main focus in roboporn is usually on the robots

similar in usage to gnome porn

"Geez, your geekazoid little brother likes roboporn?"

"Yeah. And the other day I caught him fondling a carburetor."

"Man, that is so skiff"

by dsimms January 14, 2008

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meaningless blog drivel clogging up the major search engines on the web; from the term grey goo

when doing a web search on a particular topic nowadays, especially on Google, it becomes increasingly common to have 70% or more of your search results on the first few pages be blog links, most of which are utterly useless

this occurs because gazillions of blog writers babble about a gazillion-squared rambling topics, most of which end up on big blog web pages with hundreds of other non-sequiter references to other blogs in big inane mish-mashes of links and buzz words

other blog writers then link to those blog pages, noting that so-and-so commented on whats-his-name's comment about joe-blow's timely blog on such-and-such a topic

link amplifiers like digg and technorati and gawker just compound the goo and inanity

now, when the major search engine spiders crawl all of these blog pages, and blog pages about blog pages, they see all of these links and crosslinks, thus artificially boosting the blog pages to higher search engine status, thus crowding out legitimate search responses


a simple fix would be if Google and the other search engines identified blog pages as different from regular web content pages, and gave the user the option of viewing search results comprised of no blog results, all blog results, or both

blogoo is the toe jam of the web

by dsimms April 21, 2008

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genetically engineered

implies very high-tech bioengineering

"I'm gonna get me one of them new gengineered giant dicks!"

by dsimms January 14, 2008

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the religious and/or political belief that men are superior to women

pervasive throughout all modern cultures and political systems

even in America, women didn't get the right to vote until 50 years after freed male slaves got the vote

in several Asian countries, female babies and fetuses are frequently killed or aborted because male children are much more highly regarded -- thus leading to the ironic outcome that in those parts of the world there are huge shortages of women for the sons to marry -- man-o-centric stupidity at its finest

in some Middle Eastern and African countries they practice female genital mutilation, cutting off a girl's clitoris under the theory or belief that only men's orgasms count, women don't deserve orgasms

"American capitalists, Chinese communists, Islamic shariaists, it doesn't matter, all of 'em are man-o-centric pricks."

"Shirley, we're all feminists here, we've heard the rant, give it a rest."

"Hah! See! You're just a victim of man-o-centric thinking!"

by dsimms April 21, 2008

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44 of D

The Borg known as Seven of Nine on the Star Trek Voyager TV series. Played by actress Jeri Ryan.

Also called "36 of D" by those who are nearsighted, inexperienced, or don't know a great handful when they see it.

"Hell yeah I'd do 44 of D, I mean Seven of Nine. With or without her Borg gear. Uhhh... do you think it's really true about her metal pussy teeth?"

by dsimms May 11, 2008

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