prep·ar·a·thon noun. \ˌprep(ə)r-ə-ˌthän\
an event characterized by great length or concentrated effort whose purpose is to make participants ready for a long anticipated event.
specifically, watching all the movies (or reading all the books or watching all the episodes) in a series to prepare oneself for an upcoming release to better enjoy the subtleties.
This could also be applied to music.
1. Instead of studying for my finals, I watched Captain America, Thor and Iron Man II in preparathon….for a film that comes out at the end of next semester.
2. We totally holed up with all of our books and read those bitches straight through a few summers ago as a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Preparathon before the final installment came out.
3. I am for hella sure going to have an Arrested Development Preparathon before the new half-season and film happen no matter what commitments I have to neglect.
4. I am definitely going to listen to the first two Right Away, Great Captain concept albums in preparathon for The Church of the Good Thief is released.
5. What? I am seeing/hearing Radiohead live in February? Hell yeah, I'm having a month long preparathon.