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Noun; A Polish magician noted for her infamous dissapearing act. Term Prestojacamo has become a magician's saying in recent memory to the affect of "Voila!" or "Ta Da!"

"And Prestojacamo! harper had a girfriend!"

"Did he tell you about that dissapearing trick Prestojacamo pulled after the third date?"

by Jon Beech August 30, 2006

70👍 9👎


Noun; A Polish magician noted for her infamous dissapearing act. Term Prestojacamo has become a magician's saying in recent memory to the affect of "Voila!" or "Ta Da!"

"And Prestojacamo! harper had a girfriend!"

"Did he tell you about that dissapearing trick Prestojacamo pulled after the third date?"

by Jon Beech August 29, 2006

73👍 15👎