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A wife who manipulates favors, chores,home projects, or gifts from her husband in exchange for sexual favors.

"What's the prostiwife giving you for that new bedroom set" -or- "Whats the new house going to cost your prostiwife"

by Aircraft Mechanics against pussification February 28, 2008

16👍 3👎


A wife who is rich due to her husbands labor and pretends she has accomplished something of value.
A wife who knows her husband is screwing around but looks the other way and acts like a jail warden in order to hold onto the money and prestige of being married since no one else would ever want her.
A prostiwife is also a douchebag.

A prostiwife plays golf and tennis despite the fact that she is totally uncoordinated and has legs like a magazine stuffed in a jar.

He bought his prostiwife a new car and dreams of pushing it over a cliff to save on legal fees but then wakes up in the arms of his mistress.

by OOKatyOO February 7, 2010

3👍 4👎