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A Swedish last name, and the last name of one of the most amazing people I've ever met. To be a pryde, is to be unique, amazing, fun, beautiful, and spunky

"You're such a pryde!"

by tocoollike November 23, 2009

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usually refers to azn pryde. not real Asians. not real prIde. not literate either.

-AzNpRyDe69: LIkE OMG OMG l!k3 OMG OMG OMG i liKe S@w diZ Lik3 GuY aT liK3 d@ mALl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! h3 W@s LiKE aLl l!Ke aZn l!k3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LiK3 OMG OMG OMG OMG liK3 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-iamsane321: like. who. like. cares. like.

by Alexa January 16, 2005

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Russell Gilbert Llantino (born October 13, 1993), better known by his stage names D-Pryde and Dukke, is a 15 year old producer/writer/rap artist. Born in Mississauga, Ontario, the son of Rosalie Llantino and Gilbert Llantino, and is of Spanish and Filipino decent.

Man, I love D-Pryde's new mixtape.


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kitty pryde

a mutant girl, part of the X-men, that can pass through solid objects.

Kitty: "Like, let's go shopping and like, look at some guys!"

by Firestarter April 4, 2004

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azn pryde

A term used by most Asians living in Foreign countries who love to declare how '100% Asian' they are, despite being born in a different country. Only hang around other asians and like to make group names such as; 'dA ChInkY BiAtChEs' etc. Like to act like Black Africans in America and listen to Hip-Hop/RnB most of the time. Azn Pride states all Asians live in Harmony with each other - Thats why North Korea cut itself off from the rest of the world. /sarcasm

I made at least 23 Asian friends living in Countries like Korea, China and especially Japan and 98% were totally oblivious and against the Term 'AzN PryDe.'

Th lesson:

You don't have to have 'Azn PryDe' to be Asian.

by An absolute lie x November 5, 2006

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aZn pRyDe

A phrase that some idiot came up with. I can understand being proud of your race... but I don't think it's necessary to scream it every chance you get and go on to spell it "aZn pRyDe". Asian people are just like any other race, there are good people and there are bad people... this phrase IS suggestive that all asians are superior to every other race. So superior, in fact, that they have to move to our country because their country is too badass for them... and then act like morons.

Why the hell would you act like such a dipshit? Indeed, people will give you the attention you are no doubt trying to get with this idiocy, but forget getting any respect.

aZn pRyDe foo!!!11, Behold my IGNORANCE

by D4rk September 17, 2005

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azn pryde

A sick, sad mockery of an otherwise-proud and noble ideal (Asian Pride) used by a detestable sub-culture of an otherwise-proud and noble race of people in an attempt to elevate themselves over people they deem below them (Whites, et al) See also, racism.

CmOn, aLl mY aZn niGgaZ, we gOTz ta bE paRT of A uNIted fROnt agaINSt thA crACkaz anD rELiVE WorLD WaR II, thA KoREAn WaR, The ViETNam WaR, thA RuSSO-JaPANesE WaR anD EverY oTHEr cONfliCT whERe OuR PPL fOUght aGAInsT a HonKEy!

by THE SHAWNER September 7, 2003

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