Adjective describing a relationship which is more intense and intimate than is considered common or normal for a "friendship", but doesn't fit the traditional sexual-romantic couple model. It is characterized by a strong bond, love, and emotional commitment, yet is not perceived by those involved as "romantic". The relationship may or may not have some elements or degree of sexuality/eroticism at various times, or none - it doesn't matter, because sexuality/sexual exclusivity is not what the relationship is organized around. It's defined by the intensity and significance of the emotional connection.
The people involved do not have to identify as "queer", it's a type of relationship experienced by and available to anybody regardless of their sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or (non-)monogamy. The people involved in a queerplatonic relationship may consider themselves partners, life-partners, a couple, a triad, or any other term that implies the relationship is meaningful, committed and intimate.
Quuerplatonic parters or QPs are sometimes referred to as "zucchini". As in, "he's my zucchini". This was originally a joke within the asexual/aromantic community, underscoring the lack of words in mainstream relationship discourse to signify meaningful relationships that do not follow the standard and expected sexual/romantic norms, and frustration with the erasure of other kinds of intimacy, which were perceived as equally valuable to the sexual/romantic model.
The reason that i was uncomfortable with the word 'girlfriend' was that i did not want a romantic relationship and the word seemed to imply one: I think what I may have wanted was a queerplatonic relationship.
I never understood why people were so opposed to affection of any kind towards people that are not dating, I think the world would be better if everybody could cuddle and it was not weird (kind of like how it used to be in Abe Lincoln's time when it was normal for men to sleep in the same bed together as a strictly platonic thing or like queerplatonic relationships maybe).
They told their friend about queerplatonic partnerships the same day they asked their friend if they could be queerplatonic partners, and they said yes.
1354👍 117👎
adjective; a word describing an extremely close emotional relationship that is beyond friendship, but not romantic in nature. It was coined by the aromantic and asexual communities to describe their relationships. (Note: Due to having a reclaimed slur in it, this term should not be used to describe allosexual or alloromantic people's relationships.)
Jenny and Jane are in a close queerplatonic relationship.
138👍 265👎
(Adjective) A word that is used instead of best friend by people who want to be seen as special. It is a relationship between two people so close that it almost seems romantic in nature, but is completely platonic. It can often be mistaken to be romantic, even by viewers of shows with this relationship between two characters.
Raymond: "How do you know Daniel? Is he a friend?"
Jessie: "I've known him my whole life. He's closer than a friend, he's my queerplatonic partner"
Raymond: "So...a best friend then?"
Jessie: "Yep"
73👍 578👎
(Adjective) A word that is used instead of best friend by people who want to be seen as special. It is a relationship between two people so close that it almost seems romantic in nature, but is completely platonic. It can often be mistaken to be romantic, even by viewers of shows with this relationship between two characters.
Raymond: "How do you know Daniel? Is he a friend?"
Jessie: "I've known him my whole life. He's closer than a friend, he's my queerplatonic partner"
Raymond: "So...a best friend then?"
Jessie: "Yep"
62👍 499👎
A relationship that exceeds what is usually considered as a platonic relationship, in which two or more people have a strong emotional bond, but do not experience romantic attraction. They may hold hands, cuddle, kiss, have sex, etc. or may not. The limits are defined by someone and their zucchini or zucchinis, and them alone. Many people on the asexual or aromantic spectrum are in queerplatonic relationships, also called QPRs.
Note: People do not have to be queer to be in a queerplatonic relationship, which is why it is also called a quasiplatonic relationship.
Person 1: Are you and Sandra dating? You seem really affectionate.
Person 2: Not really. I'm aromantic, and so is Sandra. We're in a queerplatonic relationship.
144👍 7👎
The kind of bond that's stronger than "just friends," but isn't necessarily romantic either. It should be noted that this term isn't meant to undermine friendships nor is it "weaker" than romance. Popular among those who identify as aromantic and/or asexual.
Jake and Ethan are queerplatonic partners: the love they have for each other is stronger than friendship, but not quite romantic.
71👍 3👎
A platonic relationship exceeding traditional ideas of friendship. Queerplatonic partners may love eachother the way others love their boyfriend or girlfriend but they do not experience sexual or romantic attraction to eachother.
Bro1: hey are Ted and Suzie going out? They're always hanging out together
Bro2: nah
Bro1: oh so they're just friends then?
Bro2: nah, they're more than that they said they're in a 'queerplatonic relationship' - they have serious friend-love,bro!
95👍 11👎