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A creative kink family out of Wisconsin. Created by Rard and a friend Nate. The Family is Anti-BDSM-Community Followers without hate. They believe that the community is silly but a necessary evil. Rard calls himself the BDSM

Boogeyman and likes to question the community a lot but really is just having fun. He is often known as "The

Blue Haired Porn King Of The Midwest". He often has a pornhub hoodie on even know he thinks Pornhub is garbage. He often will wear balloon hats at kink events and or bring his clown girls into event dungeons for fun.

Rardysexuality was founded in 2016 by different partners of Rard's and is currently owned by Lil BabyBoy Joey as of 2019. Rard, Joey, Liv Foster and other models who call themselves "The Summer People circus or The Summer People" or part of "Kinky Narnia" travel to large kink events to shoot videos and play with each other. This is a large Poly Kink Family that is Rardysexuality. Rard-means to go really hard and is short for Gerard.

"I'm doing it Rardysexuality style!"
"DUDE, How did you get so many women in that bed with you? You don't have blue hair or the crazy eye's."

by Jay Joey orne October 29, 2020

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