Source Code


When your reply gets more likes than the original post.


by ratioer December 1, 2020

19👍 1👎


When your reply gets more likes than the original post.

get ratio’d

by ratioer December 1, 2020

12👍 2👎

Get Ratio’d

When your tweet’s reply get more likes than the actual tweet.

“Dude i posted a meme and someone else replied with another meme that got more likes than my meme”
Lmao Get Ratio’d

by mxhd August 16, 2020

154👍 14👎


Defeated or lost.
It’s a gen z slang from the word “ratio” ratio is mostly used to compare what’s more less or show the full comparison using numbers. Ex: 3:14 and 1:78

How could I lose?
Haha ratio’d

by Devux April 6, 2022