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1. An egotistical self righteous nosy person. Their inflated ego is similar to a moral crusader (just more annoying) . A regoda inhabits online chats/groups and attacks when hearing anything slightly offensive and sprays acid from their snout when the first strike is ineffective. A regoda never comes out and talk like a normal human being because they spend most of their time searching for their next victim to prey upon.

Similar words: Moral Crusader

re- inverted
ego- ego(self esteem)

rego- inverted ego
god- god(entity with almighty power) regod- god like ego
da- most likely a wahman or a gay

Bro this regoda keeps messaging me with her alt accounts after I blocked her because she didn’t like how I joked about how her bf dick looks like a sesame seed.

by GlibnSalt October 3, 2022