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A combination of 'relax' and 'sex'. Relex is the act of relaxing while having sexual intercourse.

Duder 1: "How was your first time?"

Duder 2: "Oh man it was cool. I was totally relex. I wasn't nervous at all."

Duder 1: "You're my idol dude."

by westfalia December 9, 2009

36👍 9👎


1. to lex again. 2. to calm down, in a tweeze-like fashion

that nigga is too hyphy he needs to relex

by town bidnezz February 8, 2009

4👍 7👎


To love someone with such a great passion that love isn't enough to describe it.

"Dude, you're so in love with her"

"it's not love, it's relex.

by August 23, 2017


accidentally copying features from a medium one's familiar with.
(not to be confused with relax)

this word originated as a linguistic term for when a language replaced much or all of its vocabulary without changing its grammar, then picked up in the conlanging community, where people used it for low-effort ciphers trying to pass as languages, and from there it spread out and generalized in meaning.

this song you made only sounds good because it's basically just a relex of that other song i showed you last week.

by CasualKetchum August 8, 2024