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removable device

Definition: A piece of equipment or gadget designed to be easily detached or disconnected from its primary system or location, often for portability or convenience.
Pronunciation: /rɪˈmu vəbl dɪˈvaɪs/ ("ri-MOO-vuh-bul deh-VICE")

• A device or tool that can be easily deleted or separated from a system without significant effort.
• Commonly used for portable storage, such as USB drives, external hard drives, or detachable accessories.
• It implies flexibility and ease of use when connecting or disconnecting.
Phrase: removable device

• "He always preserves a removable device handy for transferring files."
• "The laptop came with a removable device for extra storage."
• "She disconnected the removable device after creating her data."

by Dmitrio October 18, 2024