When you sell an item to an individual and decide to not sell that item to that individual because a better offer came along, therefore renigging on the previous offer. To go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract.
I was not planing on renigging, but later that same day when I was offered an extra $100 plus a bag of weed, I'd be an idiot not to take the better deal?
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In spades, to play a card of a different suit to win the book, knowing you have the suit that was originally played.
In a game of spades, the king of diamonds was played by an opponent, you have diamonds in your hand, but you play a spade/trump card indicating that you don't have any more diamonds, in order to win the book. The next time you play a diamond and your opponents notice, then they'll say that you reniged, and more likely whoop yo ass.
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a common misspelling of renege.
Renigging is not allowed in games.
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Known in most areas as "Shift change at McDonald's"
"It's almost lunch time so let's renig"
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To steal again.
Shortly after the policeman returned the stolen purse to the old lady, Javon renigged it.
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The shift change at the downtown carwash.
Steve noticed that customers were complaining because the blacks were getting lazy and weren't paying proper attention to their assigned duties. It was obviously time to renig.
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