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It's either LA or New York

My friend: Where is your brother studying
Me: He just went to retardville. He says everyone there is an SJW

by Lil Swigga 69 February 13, 2020

11👍 5👎


A way to call a person or a group of people dumb or stupid

Kid: 2 + 2 is 5 right?

Me: It seems like we've arrived at Retardville

by SilverJuggernaut635 April 9, 2018

17👍 5👎


Retardville is a place where the mostwo degenerated, degenerative, degenerates live. In the human world, it is known as the internet.

Hey man, do you live in retardville or are you justrying fuckinget stupid?

by Badgerbro March 21, 2018

4👍 9👎


place in which retards congregate to propogate down syndrome.

"No man, YOUR mom's from retardville!"

by fandildor July 2, 2005

32👍 18👎


Though not associated, there are two businesses in the United States that go by the name "Retardville". One's a stationery in Kingston, Pennsylvania. The other is a education staff member in Louisville, Kentucky. If someone accuses you of saying an offensive slur, go to bizarchive.com and prove it's a location. If they remain angry, ask them which one they work at.

I was a former teacher for little kids at Retardville. I had a lot of trouble engaging them, so I moved on to an easier job.

by Dillon Schneider July 21, 2022