A word war between two people using savage insults/jokes, until either they get bored or one actually gets their feelings hurt.
To win a Roast Battle, the other person must either admit defeat or that the roast finally cut too deep.
Did you see Taylor and Jackson roast battle during the boys night? Taylor totally couldn't take the heat of homie's roast and started crying!
30👍 12👎
A bunch of indian preteens trying to act edgy and say things that they wouldn’t dare say to their mommies.
Did you hear, Advaith used the NONO word during the Roast Battle!
13👍 11👎
Roast. Battle
A bunch of indian preteens trying to act edgy and say things that they wouldn’t dare say to their mommies.
These idiotic 9 year olds had the most sad roast battle I had ever seen.
5👍 10👎