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Rocket Raccoon

A wild Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy that's cooler than you.

John, "Who's your favorite marvel character?"

Lily,"It's gotta be Rocket Raccoon"

by Taki_Crumb May 17, 2020

Rocket Raccoon

Literally the best raccoon in the whole entirety of the Marvel Comics Universe. He's the best raccoon dude ever; a true nigga, may I add. He's obsessed with prosthetic body parts and his best friend's name is Groot. Also, he uses guns and it's fun. He's fantastic i love him oh my god

Vinny: Oh my God Rocket is amazing
Everyone else: stop being gay for rocket raccoon you furry

by CallMeHoney May 6, 2019

Rocket Raccoon

The best not a raccoon in the whole flarking galaxy

Not a raccoon nor a flarking trash panda

ONLY ROCKET NOT Rocket Raccoon

by V1NCERULES July 17, 2022

Rocket raccoon

a badass trash panda

someone: wow whos that badass trash panda?
me: oh thas Rocket raccoon

by tony.STANK October 19, 2020