This College knows everything about you, from your date of birth, to your credit card information and social security number. They know your IP address. They will keep you at the Rolleston College until you become a depressed vegan activist. Nick Wilde is the Principal
A gay house in college, inferior to corfe
Daniel cannot accept that rolleston is indeed gay
A girl whome is kind but also a rat she is always kind but can be rude if u give her too many oreos she loves exerise (especially nakie starjumps) she has a kind heart and will be ur bitch. she catches feeling too fast, is a perfectionist, overthinks everything, has major fomo she is smexy and will take ur man so watch out
I love her shes a "rolleston"
This College knows everything about you, from your date of birth, to your credit card information and social security number. They know your IP address. They will keep you at Rolleston College until you're a depressed vegan activist. While Nick Wilde is the Principal of Rolleston College.
"I'd like to name my New Born Child, Rolleston College!"