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The most beautiful, wonderful, and attractive girl this side of Kathmandu. She is like that feeling you get when you find the right position to sleep in bed.

Boy One: Hey bro, look at that cute chick over there! She’s the most attractive girl I’ve ever seen.
Boy Two: Back off, that’s my Sadi.

by Sadi lover April 26, 2018

100πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Sadi: A very Hot guy, with the sexiest 6 pack ever !

Sadis The sweeetest guuy youu coould eeever meet !
I would fuck him !

" Hey is that guy a sadi? "
" Hell yea he is, look at the body, AHHH ! "

by Mark Denim December 30, 2011

71πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


(N): Also known in Botswana as "marapo", Sadi is a sweet woman, strong in her convictions, who desperately needs a fuck buddy...

"Hey- there's a sweet girl over there who needs to get laid...I wonder if it's Sadi?"

by sefatlhego August 29, 2008

35πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


A sadi is a THICC girl with a good personality... She loves when tanner sends her ab pics.

Wow look at the booty on that...

Talking about a sadi

by Sadisthiccprettymuchboyfreind October 17, 2020

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Sadi is the most buitiful girl ever. she loves ayden and how hot he is. Sadis are small with brown hair.

Isaac= hey look at the sweet small girl over their with brown hair.
Ayden=whoh whoh whoh that is my sadi

by Sadis boyfriend ayden November 27, 2019

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a sweet angel who will never be forgotten. An original favorite.

Sexy Sadie is a song by the beatles. True story. Also a special cat who is watching us.

You LIE! Thats a Tallllll Tale!!!!

by daywalkz July 19, 2015

970πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž


a sweet angel who will never be forgotten. An original favorite.

Sexy Sadie is a song by the beatles. True story. Also a special cat who is watching us.

You LIE! Thats a Tallllll Tale!!!!

by daywalkz July 19, 2015

587πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž