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Jim(on Snapchat) “going out today safr”

by Hocusespocuses November 5, 2018


A Jedi of Earth that doesn't show his/her real identity until needed to save the earth. Usually with a blue lightsaber

Pronounced: Safe-Read

She is so nice. I know she must be a Safreed!

by jdfhaghsjkg October 24, 2009

2👍 3👎


He is the moment and the god of all. He was born again in our classroom a time ago. He came back in form of a plant to eduacate us trough all the hard times. BUT he died because of our teacher....RIP Safre

He created everything dont you dare disrespect the safre.
He made us believe in school.

by IchWennBigMac January 31, 2024