One who causes problems over and over and denies and denies.
Dude I know you screenshotted those texts, told don’t be a Sakti
3👍 10👎
S: Meaning of S in the name Sakti means: You enjoy open-mindedness. Talent is great, but do not overrate.
K: Meaning of K in the name Sakti means: You like to try new things.
T: Meaning of T in the name Sakti means: You like hanging out with friends when you have time. You enjoy the company of others in social gatherings. I: Meaning of I in the name Sakti means: You could be temperamental sometimes.
sri lankan mami. often considered to be indian but DO NOT be fooled. sexy to eye. some say she/he is the one and only true leprechaun.
hey look at that juicy sri lankan leprechaun, it must be a sakti!
A girl who loves anime. The girl I love so much. Cute and sweet. Oh god I love her so much. Will this reach you. Hope it will.
I love you sakti ls