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In a direct translation from latin it means holy or whatev. however in a rough connotational translation it means something a little more like bad-ass, shit-stomper, roxxor of soxxorz, waffle stomper, etc.

Wow look at that there Sanctus go! he is currently pwning all teh noobs.
My friend is really sanctus, he kills me all the time.

by Jon Kasik May 4, 2006

4👍 12👎

spiritus sanctus

Also spelled Spirytus, or the Holly Ghost - the rectified spirit, usually 190 US proof (95.6% alcohol by volume). The ultimate, most powerful stuff you can get at some liquor stores, when you're ready to meet the gods. Often found on parties where Eastern Europeans (especially Polish) are present.

American Guy: What is in these shots?
European Friend: Spiritus Sanctus...(saying prayer in Latin) *Gulp*
American Guy: hmm... Okay...*Gulp* Aghhh...
Later at the hospital
American Guy: wha... What happened? Where am I?
European Friend: Dude, you died, I had to perform CPR! You're lucky I'm certified nurse.

by Local Guy Tommy December 28, 2016