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Scarf Girl

A yuppie female who wears a designer (or any kind) of scarf on a 60*+ day simply because it's "in style". Usually paired with a NORTHFACE jacket vest over a sweater and jeans tucked into said persons UGGs.

A scarf girl is any female with above said atire

"Jesus those scarf girls wont sit the fuck down, I can't see a damn thing that is going on on the field!"

by OB and Popo December 8, 2008

26👍 8👎

Scarf Girl

one who displays the following characteristics: Enjoys listening to empowering acoustic female artists(ie indigo girls,lesbian music), lets hair fly freely like her spirit, wears exotic accessorys most likely made in third world country to support supressed women, enjoys hemp bags in natural patterns and colors, a knack for knitting is a must if you want to participate in scarffy gatherings(bread baking is also a helpful skill to adopt), and of course a vibrant idividualized scarf....yet they also still have the money to drive an escalade and wear an array of Uggs(ie animal parts)

Hey Scarf Girl dont forget to bring your exotic wooden flute to our bread baking session. I know it will really help us Take Back the Night.

by Sixela Enitsirk December 15, 2008

12👍 3👎

Red Scarf Girl

An all powerful asian god that sucks the blood from her enemies. She particularly hates people who don't believe in her. She has a legion of followers who will do things at her every command.

I worship the Red Scarf Girl.
Claire: Man Red Scarf Girl hates Dylan.
Scott: I know. He doesn't believe in her. smh

by applesandgrapes October 22, 2017

2👍 1👎

red scarf girl

a memoir of a chinese girls life through the revolution of china. the book is just straight out boring with no twists or turns.

hey man wanna read the red scarf girl with me

nah i rather read the twilight series

by chuckyboy4132 March 28, 2011

4👍 5👎