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Having or showing fond feelings or affection; loving and tender. Excessively sentimental.
Given to or displaying mawkish affection or amorousness.

All over, attached, caring, crazy about, crazy for, crazy over, dear, devoted, doting, fond, friendly, huggy, kind, lovey-dovey, loving, mushy, nutty about, partial, soft on, tender, warm, warm-hearted

Don't get all schmoopy on me, I just want casual sex. If you get all schmoopy I'm out.

by Joy March 31, 2005

369๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really annoying term of endearment used in the show "Seinfeld" that they blatantly make fun of for one episode.

"Hello Schmoopy" --Jerry
"Awww hello schmoopy" --Jerry's girlfriend
"How's my little schmoopy today?" --Jerry

"Ugh they are sooooo aggravating with their little schmoopy this and schmoopy that." --Elaine

by ksmaq May 9, 2004

357๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


From the epiosde of Senfeld "The Soup Nazi". Jerry and his girlfriend can't decide which on is schmoopy. It is their little name for each other

"You're schmoopy, no you're schmoopy"

by gooch May 9, 2004

108๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


1)A term of endearment.

2)A pet name.

3)A type of poopy.

Also: Shmoopy

Origin: Ancient Celtic Garble "Skshmoopdy"

Is something wrong? Aww, come here shmoopy.

What a tiny turtle - I think I'll call it Shmoopy.

by Bum May 9, 2004

32๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone acts childish, or otherwise ridiculous.

He acted very schmoopy, attempting to balance a dictionary on his head.

by SirJorb January 5, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word for when you are being really sketchy when it comes to a girl/relationship. You are either in the act of lying about what you are doing/ your whereabouts. Or when you turn down your bro's for the bitch. mad gay, when a guy or girl is mad sketch and u know theres an other person involved...

"yo mannn you're being maddd schmooopy right now, like what the fuck??"
" yea dude he was being so schmoopy last night, like he completely lied to us with her there"
"you are always so schmoopy all the fuckin time"

by GMTDnigggaaa August 19, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


syn for right bc when ur in the car and ur figuring out directions right and correct get confused. so u say turn schmoopy instead of turn right. background: me, sophomore year (last year)

"Which way do I go at the light?"
"turn schmoopy."
"this way?"
"right!" (meaning correct... causes a lot less confusion)

by Coleman May 10, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž