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scyye (discord)

scyye is a 45 year old discord mod that has a discord kitten (jose) and he wears cat ears and meows while playing fortnite with his alpha

“you act like a scyye (discord)”
“im not a 45 discord mod! im 46!”

by January 13, 2022

Scyye Gaming

A very tall person who is very emo as well and has a discord dungeon with there best friend Invader Tedious and Joes Zone who they secretly are in love with and is a sweaty fortnite, smash bros, and rounds player.

"Hey why aren't you leaving your house?"

"I just have to keep track of my discord bots and servers 24/7"

"Oh no you've become Scyye Gaming!"

by jows zone December 15, 2023


Invader Tedious' ✨BESTIE ✨ (confirmed)

feeds on drama (in a good way)

loves having an Invader Tedious and a Keyanlux in his arsenal of WMDs

Invader Tedious: scyye youre no longer a Scyye (discord)
scyye: really?
Keyanlux & JaJack: yea youre super amazing cool and now!

u suck Patterson.

by Scyye (discord) January 7, 2023