one of the greatest mothafuckin roads on long island... i use that shit so often its not even funny... one thing i wanna add .. IM so sick of you assholes that call it the seaford-syosset expressway, FUCK you, get the fuck out of here you dont belong on this island, because we call it the seaford oyster bay you uptight assholes .. ANYWAY i can get to work in 7 minutes from the total opposite side/ a classic long island town that i just happen to cause a lot of drama in (sorry not my fault/problem its quite funny actually) right on the other side in 7 minutes and change and its just fucking awesome..
HEY ! OH shit i only have 10 minutes to get to work ! well thats ok ill just jump on the seaford oyster bay expressway 135 and i wont have any trouble what so-ever
58👍 24👎
one of the greatest mothafuckin roads on long island... i use that shit so often its not even funny... one thing i wanna add .. IM so sick of you assholes that call it the seaford-syosset expressway, FUCK you, get the fuck out of here you dont belong on this island, because we call it the seaford oyster bay you uptight assholes .. ANYWAY i can get to work in 7 minutes from the total opposite side/ a classic long island town that i just happen to cause a lot of drama in (sorry not my fault/problem its quite funny actually) right on the other side in 7 minutes and change and its just fucking awesome..
HEY ! OH shit i only have 10 minutes to get to work ! well thats ok ill just jump on the seaford oyster bay expressway (135) and i wont have any trouble what so-ever
12👍 9👎