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(very much a doing word).

(used with or without noun / object) such as self-soother.

Gender: Predominant female application but technically neutral.

Primary Definitions.

Formal Definition
1. Masturbation primarily for the purposes of mental rather than physical distraction.

New Age Defintion

2. Wanking as a function of wellbeing and mindfulness.

Most Common Defintion

3. Route to female orgasm / physical pleasure where urgency and need for efficiency prohibit the involvement of a needy, fumbling, partner.

1. " He / she / they/ .. have really p7 everyone just f**k off for 10 mins while I self-soothe."

2. There appears to be noone around tonight who I find more attractive then myself. I might as well self-soothe.

3 Shit, life has gone badly wrong, I feel terrible and really shouldnt be thinking about sex but, fuck it, it's popped into my head so I'm going to have to self-soothe.

by Selfsoothe October 22, 2019

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