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Semiliterate: An adjective describing the state of being only partially or poorly literate. A semiliterate individual may struggle with reading, but their partial literacy is particularly evident in their writing.

Using slang is not itself a sign of being semiliterate, but knowing only the slang definitions of many words may be.

Consistently using the wrong spelling of similar-sounding words such as "their", "there", and "they're" is another common sign of poor literacy skills.

Perhaps the most frustrating sign of semiliteracy is the use of 'netspeak' or 'txt-speak', wherein the writer abbreviates short and simple words for no reason beyond laziness.

English: This test is crucial to passing because it counts for 25% of my grade.
Semiliterate slang: This test is crucial because it's too hard!"

English: "They're going over there to get their equipment."
Semiliterate misuse: "Their going over their to get their equipment."

English: "Why are you writing like that?"
Semiliterate netspeak: "y r u riten lyke dat??"

by Thanatos  March 9, 2011

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