A verb used by only the finest of virgins. Implies that the sex they are about to have is so good that there isn't a chance than just the word "sex" or "fuck" can cover the intense emotions and sensations they'll be feeling during the act.
Alex Jinghoff: So, you gonna have sex with that hotty Bessy?
Caden Mitchell: Heck yeah man! We're gonna have so much fricking sexfuck while playing Lego Star Wars that even "sex" and "fuck" can't describe the kinky crud we'll be up to! UwU
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N. The meeting of several (3 or more) Kings Kick it Kinky members to make wild love.
Dude, you goin to the KKK sexfuck tonight?
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A group of creo fans that do/did complain about a false ban of the CreoSphere discord that was directed towards them.
The degeneracy of these people can rival a boat-zone, another group of people that are genuine ass holes on the same platform.
"Y'all are a bunch of sexfuckers!"
"You sexfuckers!"
like seriously, are you okay? you should not be searching cock and sexfuck