When someone is harassing you in a sexual manner, for example, snapping your bra strap, making comments about your body, cajoles you, rubs up against you, etc'.
If someone is giving you unwanted sexual attention, that is Sexual Harassment.
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Actually, asking someone out from a workplace and school is considered sexual harassment. Read the Everyday sexism blog, full of women talking about men they've know for a while asking them out. Simply asking someone out is now sexual harassment. Clubs and bars are also notorious places where women do not want to be accosted because that counts as sexual harassment as well, so you're left with dating websites (which have a spectacularly low rate of success) and family/friends. Family and friends don't work so well if you come from a small family or if your friends are mostly of the same gender (I'm talking about hetero relationships). So, how do you make more female friends? Go out and talk to more women, but that is "super creepy and threatening". Did he say he wanted rape them or give any indication as to that, or did he threaten them in anyway? So why is the automatic assumption a fear of this person when the men in your personal life are more likely to murder you, rape you and steal from you?
--There is no other way to describe this fear other than irrational. Sexual harassment is Sexual Harassment only when it is a man doing it to a woman when a woman does it, it is often considered to be "cute" or being "affectionate".
Man: Hello.
Woman: Sexual Harassment.
Man: But...
Woman: I will freaking ruin your life, see you in court tomorrow.
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Congrats you just searched Sexual Harassment in urban! This shit isn't fucking funny... Harassers are sick people that destroys inocent victims' lives for their own pleasure. PEOPLE ARE MORE THAN THEIR BODY. THEY ARE FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS THEY HAVE FEELING,
Alex: I screw a bitch last night. She told me that she didn't want to have sex, but she was probably drunk.. she had those really big tits i couldn't resist
John: Dude that's Sexual Harassment... you can go to jail!
Alex: WHO CARES SHE IS A SLUT... no one's gonna believe her!
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Illegal Flirting. Annoying somebody in such a way that reminds them that sex exist. Sexual Harassment cases are often used as a tool to harm politicians or to make millions for individuals (and their lawyers) through lawsuits.
Since everybody has flirted with somebody at some point in their life, this charge can be brought against just about anybody. This "crime" is often put on the same level as rape.
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According to feminists, when a man under 6 feet tall sneezes
Tom: Ahhh-choo!
Sarah: Sexual harassment! Title IX! Call the police!
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The true definition of sexual Harassment: when someone implies sexual activities whilst harassing you. EX: Texting you for needs and making fun of the person for not complying.
Realistic definition: when you are ugly and try to flirt, don't give a girl what she wants, or a boy uses his status to win in court because you "sexually harassed" them
True definition
Harasser: send nudes now b!tch or you are just like the others who are weak minded. Do you want to be famous or not?
Victim: ok fine I'll do it
(Don't do it guys)
Realistic definition of sexual Harassment:
Flirter: Hey Brenda want to go to prom?
Brenda: Ew no ugly
Then they go to court because the flirter supposedly "sexually harassed her"
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When your trying to have intercourse with a special lady friend and some guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls.
Sexual harassment is very serious
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