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Shareshagged- Verb (past tense)


Share - when someone passes something on

Shag - British for 'making love'
= Shareshagged

A groovy word to say when:

Someone shares all your content (e.g. images/music/videos/writing) on the Internet in a frenzy.
It makes you feel they are making a statement of intent that they like you!

As every single one of George's posts got re-shared by the same person, he felt shareshagged!

by MartinSherv October 11, 2012

Shareshagged redemption

Shareshagged Redemption

Shareshagged is when:
Someone shares all your content (e.g. images/music/videos/writing) on the Internet in a frenzy.

It makes you feel they are making a statement of intent that they like you!
Redemption: Being saved/forgiven

=Shareshagged Redemption

A groovy word to say when:

You forgive the person who shareshagged you.

Even though Patrik was hit by multiple shares on his memes, he considered the kindest move was shareshagged redemption.

by MartinSherv October 12, 2012